Arborio comes from Italy and it is extremely different than regular white rice. You can find Arborio in the rice section at the grocery store. It is more expensive, but WAY worth it. It changes the meal completely if you try to use a substitute. I link below to where you can get a 4 pack for $24, so if you bought it that way it would cost you about $3 per meal which is not bad at all. You only use half the jar in each recipe.
Parmesan Risotto
5 cups chicken broth
2 TB finely chopped onion
3 TB butter
2 TB vegetable oil
1 1/2 cups
arborio rice
3/4 cup shredded parmesan
Shredded parmesan is on sale this week at alberstons Kraft 8oz bag is $1.79
If you have a
rice cooker 
Add all ingredients except the parmesan and push the "cook" button. That is what I do. SIGH... but for those of you that don't have one I will tell you how to do it.
Bring the broth to a slow steady simmer (not a boil). Put the onions in a
large pan 
with 2TB butter and all the oil. saute until clear, but not browned. add the rice and stir until well coated. Add 1/2 cup of the broth and stir until the rice absorbs it. Repeat this method until you have used all the liquid. Risotto should be creamy, not watery. When you have used all the liquid add parmesan and remaining TB of butter. Stir and serve.
I like to put it under the protien I serve, makes it extra yummy, but it is good all by itself too.
If you have a rice cooker here is what it looks like before:
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